Month: September 2021

Four Ways the USPS Delivers Value Via Its Last-Mile Distribution Network

Anyone with a strong understanding of logistics knows that “last-mile” delivery—the last leg of a delivery from a transportation hub to the final destination—is the most challenging and expensive part of the process. The USPS has the largest and best-developed last-mile delivery network in the world, providing a meaningful competitive advantage in the package delivery […]

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The USPS’s Unmatched Logistics Network Is the Backbone of E-commerce

Global E-commerce Is Booming Consumer behavior and technological advancements have been fueling e-commerce for years, with the value of U.S. e-commerce reaching $600 billion in 2019. Propelled in part by COVID-19, U.S. e-commerce exploded to $792 billion in 2020, surpassing earlier projections and showing no signs of slowing down. Experts predict e-commerce will surpass 20% […]

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